En odmerek (1 ml) rekonstituiranega cepiva vsebuje: Učinkovine: živi oslabljeni virus pasje kuge, sev Onderstepoort: 105. NOBIVAC® INTRA-TRAC® ORAL BbPi is an oral vaccine containing Bordetella bronchiseptica avirulent live culture and canine parainfluenza modified live virus. The first vaccination at 9 weeks will protect 90 % of the pups against parvovirus disease. Two doses are required for primary immunization. 0 ml) или с ваксина Nobivac Lepto или Nobivac L4. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. nobivac dp plus vet kuiva-aine 5x1 ann . It offers a full 12-month protection when used as a single-dose booster in dogs previously vaccinated with Nobivac KC. Product Name Pkg Size GTIN#/UPC# UIN# NOBIVAC® Puppy-DPv : 25 x 1 dose: 662828067209: 53260 Nobivac DP Plus je veterinárna očkovacia látka, ktorá sa používa na ochranu psov pred dvomi infekciami, ktoré spôsobuje vírus psinky a psí parvovírus. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) Qualitative and quantitative composition; Pharmaceutical form; Clinical particulars;. 1 – 10. 5. Nobivac DP Plus este un vaccin de uz veterinar care se utilizează pentru a proteja câinii împotriva a două infecții diferite cauzate de virusul bolii Carré și de parvovirusul canin. Mix gently until dissolved. 2. 5 x 1 doza cjepiva uključujući 1 ml otapala Nobivac DP Plus is a veterinary vaccine used to protect dogs against two separate infections caused by canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus. 10. Rabies is a fatal disease that attacks the nervous system. References: View All Nobivac References. Most rabies cases in dogs develop within 21–80 days after exposure, but the incubation period may be shorter or longer. PRODUCT LABEL. Nobivac L4 is an inactivated bacterial vaccine presented as a suspension for injection without adjuvant in single dose (1 dose) or multidose (10 doses) containers. These are: -L. FULL SIZE PROTECTION, HALF SIZE VACCINES Choose the best protection for your clients with convenient small dose options for dogs of all sizes. Annual revaccination of ferrets with 1 dose is recommended. VELIČINA PAKIRANJA. Worldwide, more than 30,000 people die from rabies each year. 6,7. Canine Influenza (H3N8) Virus (inactivated virus). Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i otapalo za suspenziju za injekciju za pse (štenad ) 2. Katra izšķīdinātās vakcīnas deva (1 ml) satur: Aktīvās vielas: Dzīvs, novājināts suņu mēra vīruss, celms Onderstepoort: 105,1 – 106,5 TCIDNobivac DP PLUS liofilizat in vehikel za suspenzijo za injiciranje za pse (mladiče) 2. A common reaction after subcutaneous administration with the diluent provided, is a diffuse swelling up to 5 mm in diameter at the site of injection. The vaccination programme can be completed from a minimum of 10 weeks of age. This product has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy dogs 8 weeks of age or older against canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 1 (hepatitis), canine parainfluenza virus, canine parvovirus, Leptospira canicola, L. interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae. Nobivac DP Plus is a lyophilised live vaccine without any adjuvant or preservative, containing canine distemper virus (CDV) strain Onderstepo ort and canine parvovirus. Now: $107. Each dose (1 ml) of reconstituted vaccine contains: Active substances: Live attenuated canine distemper virus strain Onderstepoort: 105. canicola and. 29. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) Qualitative and quantitative composition; Pharmaceutical form; Clinical particulars;. Parvovirus canino vivo recombinante cepa 630a: 10: 5,1 – 10:Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) By Company. Occasionally this swelling may be hard and painful and last for up to 3 days post injection. Skip to main content English. Each dose (1 ml) of reconstituted vaccine contains: Active substances: Live attenuated canine distemper virus strain Onderstepoort: 105. BadaniaNOBIVAC: 3-Rabies and 3-Rabies CA Zoetis License No. grippotyphosa. Can be used in puppies as young as 3 weeks of age because maternal antibodies do not interfere with localized antibody response. CPV-2 is one of the most resistant viruses to infect dogs: The virus can survive indoors at room temperature for a few weeks. Puede encontrar información adicional sobre Nobivac DP Plus en la página web de la Agencia:Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) By Company. Now: $128. Nobivac Lepto 2 may be used to reconstitute Nobivac DHPPi, DHP, Pi or Parvo-C as indicated in the appropriate package leaflets. Pre simultánne použitie má byť rekonštituovaná 1 dávka vakcíny Nobivac obsahujúca zložky vírusu psinky, psieho adenovírusu typu 2,parvovírusu psov (kmeň 154) a/alebo vírusu parainfluenzy psov jednou dávkou (1 ml) vakcíny Nobivac L4. Disponible únicamente en English. Nobivac series against Bordetella bronchiseptica. Nobivac L4 contains inactivated 4 Leptospira strains. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) By Company. Nobivac DP Plus ist ein Tierimpfstoff, der zum Schutz von Hunden vor zwei verschiedenen Infektionen angewendet wird, die durch das canine Staupevirus und das canine Pa rvovirus verursacht werden. 2008;9(2):94-101. For technical assistance, or to report a suspected adverse drug reaction, contact Merck Animal Health at 1-800-224-5318. CONVENIENT COMBO PROTECTION. Virus vivo attenuato del cimurro canino ceppo Onderstepoort: 105,1 – 106,5 TCID 50. Canine Parvovirosis is shed: In the feces of infected dogs within 4–5 days of exposure. Transfer contents of the sterile diluent vial to the Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv vial aseptically. Spread via coughs and. Nobivac DP Plus blev undersøgt i s eks laboratoriestudier og et feltstudie, som viste, at vaccinen var effektiv til at forebygge kliniske tegn på og dødsfald forårsaget af hundesygevirus - og hundeparvovirusinfektion og til at forebygge virusudskillelse efter hundesygevirus - og . 190 Merck Animal Health Dogs Cats Sheep Cattle 1 ml 1 ml 2 ml 2 ml 3 months 3 months 3 months 3 months 1 year later & triennially 1 year later & triennially Annually Annually IM or SC SC IM IM IMRAB 1 Merial, Inc License No. gov. Dosage and Administration. Contains CPV-2b, one of the most prevalent field strains of parvovirus. Nobivac Myxo-RHD Plus -rokote on injektiokuiva -aine, kylmäkuivattu, ja liuotin, suspensiota varten. Nobivac ® Canine 1-Cv. Views. 6,5. 5. Ensure that the lyophilisate is completely reconstituted before use. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i rozpusz czalnik do sporządzania zawiesiny do wstrzykiwań dla psów (szczeniąt) 2. icterohaemorrhagiae, and 50% of. COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA DE LA(S) SUSTANCIA(S) ACTIVA(S) Virus de moquillo canino vivo atenuado cepa Onderstepoort: 10: 5,1 – 10: 6,5: DICC: 50. 2. Die vorgelegten Daten zur Verträglichkeit und Wirksamkeit belegen, dass der Impfstoff Nobivac L4 mit den Impfstoffen der Nobivac-Serie, die canine Staupe-, canines Adenovirustyp 2-, canine Parvo- (Stamm 154) und/oder canine Parainfluenza-Viruskomponenten enthalten, zur subkutanen Anwendung gemischt und verabreicht. MSD Animal Health UK Limited. 5 mL leptospirosis vaccine to aid in the prevention of disease, mortality, and leptospiriuria caused by four Leptospira serovars 2,5. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. Nobivac® Myxo-RHD PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits. Cohn LA. For more detailed advice on vaccination programmes and how the product may be used in conjunction with other Nobivac dog vaccines under specific circumstances, contact theKako djeluje Nobivac DP Plus? Nobivac DP Plus je cjepivo. Wim de Körverstraat. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat in vehikel za suspenzijo za injiciranje za pse (mladiče) 2. Active substance and strength: Valpsjukevirus (Cdv), stam Onderstepoort, levande…. Species: Dogs. Live attenuated canine distemper virus. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 lyophilisate and suspension for suspension for injection for dogs. 00 lbs. Product details Legal status of supply: Veterinary medicinal product subject to veterinary prescription Pharmaceutical form: Lyophilisate for suspension for injection Withdrawal. 3. 5. 5,1 – 10. 6,5. There are 3 USDA-approved rabies vaccines for ferrets in the US (Defensor 1 or 3, IMRAB ® 3, and Nobivac ® 1-Rabies). 50. Rabies vaccinations should only be given to ferrets at least 3 months of age. KVALITATĪVAIS UN KVANTITATĪVAIS SASTĀVS. Nobivac® Puppy DP. Demonstrated protection against the formation and severity of lung lesions 1. PAC. This button displays the currently selected search type. A live attenuated freeze-dried vaccine containing canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus (C154). Nobivac Tricat Trio, lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection, for cats . Vírus da esgana canina vivo atenuado estirpe Onderstepoort: 10. Was: $158. Nobivac ® Canine 1-DAPPvL. NAME OF THE VETERINARY MEDICINAL PRODUCT Nobivac DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) 2. Can be used in puppies as young as 3 weeks of age because maternal antibodies do not interfere with localized antibody response. Active immunisation of young against canine distemper virus, and canine parvovirus infection. Keď sa psovi podá očkovacia látka Nobivac L4, imunitný systém rozpozná baktériu obsiahnutú v očkovacej látke ako „cudziu“ a vytvára proti nej protilátky. V. Two doses are required for primary immunization. Following recent negative articles in the press regarding the Nobivac L4 vaccine and its potentially dangerous side effects, Gudrun Ravetz, Junior Vice President of British Veterinary Association, said: “We are very concerned that the recent articles about the L4 vaccine risks scaremongering dog owners into making blanket decisions and. NOBIVAC® Puppy-DPv. Puppies need a booster 1 year after completing the initial series, then all dogs need a booster every 3 years or more often. 6, 4. per dosis (1 ml): levend geattenueerd canine distempervirus (CDV), stam Onderstepoort: 10exp5. Select your language. This vaccine has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy dogs 7 weeks of age or older against canine parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bronchiseptica. Keď sa psovi podá očkovacia látka Nobivac L4, imunitný systém rozpozná baktériu obsiahnutú v očkovacej látke ako „cudziu“ a vytvára proti nej protilátky. NOBIVAC PUPPY DP. KVALITATIVNI I KVANTITATIVNI SASTAV DJELATNIH I DRUGIH TVARI. Nobivac® DHP; Canine distemper is a highly contagious, often fatal disease, caused by a virus that attacks the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and the nervous systems. Overrides maternal antibodies in young puppies 1. L-istudji wrew ukoll li l-immunitàNobivac DP PLUS liofilizzato e solvente per sospensione iniettabile per cani (cuccioli) 2. 6. 18th June 2014 Change to SPC sections 4. 5 TCIDNobivac DP PLUS liofilizado y disolvente para suspensión inyectable para perros (cachorros). PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection 4. 3. Ce beneficii a prezentat Nobivac DP Plus pe parcursul studiilor? Nobivac DP Plus a fost investigat în șase studii de laborator și într-un studiu de teren, care au arătat că Nobivac DP PLUS lyofilizát a rozpouštědlo pro injekční suspenzi pro psy (štěňata) 2. Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus type 2, Canine Parvovirus (modified live viruses). PRODUCT LABEL. 1 – 106. Disease Overview. Larson LJ, Schultz RD. български. NOBIVAC ® CANINE 1-Pv PROVIDES PROTECTION AGAINST CPV. 8: FFU/dose. The initial dose may be given at 4 weeks of age or older. Svaka doza (1 ml) rekonstituiranog cjepiva sadrži: Djelatne tvari: Živi atenuirani virus štenećaka soj Onderstepoort: 105,1 –. The western black-legged tick is the primary cause of Lyme disease transmission. 2. Nobivac RCP (AT, DE) Nobivac Tricat Novum (ES) Nobivac Tricat Novum vet (SE) 2. Nobivac DP PLUS Lyophilisate and Solvent for Suspension for Injection for Puppies MA holder Intervet International BV VM number EU/2/20/265/001-002 Territory Northern Ireland Aligned product Associated documents Date of issue 09/12/2020. Katra izšķīdinātās vakcīnas deva (1 ml) satur: Aktīvās vielas: Dzīvs, novājināts suņu mēra vīruss, celms Onderstepoort: 105,1 – 106,5 TCIDNobivac DP PLUS liofilizátum és oldószer szuszpenziós injekcióhoz kutyák (kölykök) számára . Characterization of the disease includes a diphasic fever, leukopenia, GI and respiratory clinical signs. Leptospirosis disease in dogs results in bleeding, hepatitis (infection of the liver) and jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) or nephritis (kidney infection). Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) MSD Animal Health UK Limited. 261. 5 mL leptospirosis vaccine shown effective against disease, mortality and shedding in dogs of all sizes. 1200 requires chemical manufacturers to classify the hazards of chemicals they produce. canicola and L. Side Effects: Fever. High antigenic mass (titer), low passage parvovirus vaccine. 1 AAFP FELINE VACCINATION GUIDELINES A healthy indoor cat is still at risk ofThe following recommendations are included since it is likely that immunisation with Nobivac® DHPPi will form part of a more comprehensive vaccination programme. Kun tätä rokotetta annetaan yhdessä Nobivac-sarjan Bordetella bronchiseptica-bakteeria vastaan tarkoitetun inaktivoidun rokotteen kanssa, osoitettu vasta-ainevaste tämän rokotteen CPiV komponentille on sama kuin annosteltaessa rokote yksinään. Nobivac ® Lepto. Każda dawka (1 ml) zrekonstytuowanej szczepionki zawiera: Substancje czynne: Żywy atenuowany wirus nosówki psów szczep Onderstepoort: 105,1 – 106,5 TCID50*Dosage and Administration. Background: Thermostable vaccines greatly improved the reach and impact of large-scale programmes to eliminate infectious diseases such as smallpox, polio, and rinderpest. Product. Hatóanyagok: Élő, attenuált kutya-szopornyicavírus Onderstepoort törzs: 105,0–106,5 TCIDNobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i otapalo za suspenziju za injekciju za pse (štenad) 2. 91,40 €. OBSAH LÉČIVÝCH LÁTEK: Virus febris contagiosae canis, kmen. There are 3 USDA-approved rabies vaccines for ferrets in the US (Defensor 1 or 3, IMRAB ® 3, and Nobivac ® 1-Rabies). Versican Plus DHPPi is available as a lyophilisate (freeze-dried pellet) with a solvent that are made up into a suspension for injection. In rare cases a transient rise in body temperature and/or a transient acute hypersensitivity reaction. 59. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizāts un šķīdinātājs suspensijas injekcijām pagatavošanai suņiem (kucēniem) 1. 41 Save: 41%. Dob od 8-9 sedmica - Nobivac DHPPi sa Nobivac Lepto Dob od 12 sedmica - Nobivac DHPPi sa Nobivac Lepto, Nobivac Rabies ili Nobivac RL Revakcinacija Preporučuje se revakcinacija pasa protiv: 1. Nobivac Puppy DPV/Progard Puppy DPV Canine Vaccine. 1. more Nobivac EDGE ® DAPPv Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) Qualitative and quantitative composition; Pharmaceutical form; Clinical particulars; Pharmacological particulars; Pharmaceutical particulars; Marketing Authorisation Holder (if different from distributor) Marketing Authorisation Number; Significant changes NOBIVAC® Puppy-DPv. Demonstrated to reduce incidence and severity of lung lesions, as well as duration of coughing and viral shedding. Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Adenovirus 1 (hepatitis), Canine Parainfluenza Virus, Canine Parvovirus (modified live viruses). Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat in vehikel za suspenzijo za injiciranje za pse (mladiče) 2. PRODUCT LABEL. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION. Hundparainfluensavirus (CPIV), stam Cornell, levande försvagat. Canine Parvovirosis is shed: In the feces of infected dogs within 4–5 days of exposure. NAME OF THE VETERINARY MEDICINAL PRODUCT Nobivac KC nasal drops, lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for dogs Nobivac BbPi (AT, BE, DE, DK, LU, NO) Nobivac KC vet. Lääkkeet eivät kerrytä ostoskorin arvoa. Nobivac DP Plus oceniano w sześciu badaniach laboratoryjnych i jednym badaniu terenowym, które wykazało, że szczepionka była skuteczna w zapobieganiu objawom klinicznym i zgonom wywołanym zakażeniem CDV i CPV oraz w zapobieganiu wydalaniu wirusów po zakażeniu CDV i CPV. 1 –. DJELATNE TVARI. Duration of Immunity has not been established. 3,999. Svaka doza (1 ml) rekonstituiranog cjepiva sadrži: Djelatne tvari : Živi atenuirani virus štenećaka soj Onderstepoort: 105,1 –. 5,1 – 10. 2. Suoja alkaa kolmessa viikossa ja kestää vuoden. Bordetella bronchiseptica (avirulent live culture), administered as a small dose to one nostril. bronchiseptica called strain B-C2. $84. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) By Company. An objective of the present studies was to compare the protective effects of two European licensed canine tetravalent leptospirosis vaccines, Nobivac L4 and Versican Plus L4. Inject one dose (1mL) subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Nobivac® Myxo-RHD PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits. Nobivac Myxo-RHD PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for rabbits : 2. Otras informaciones sobre Nobivac DP Plus Nobivac DP Plus ha recibido una autorización de comercialización válida en toda la UE el 9 de diciembre de 2020. Nobivac® DHP. 50 * Parvovirus canin vivant recombinant souche 630a : 10. interrogans serogroup Icterohaemorrhagiae serovar Copenhageni, L. Get Flat 27% OFF on first 3 medicine orders. 2 doses, 3-4 weeks apart. Medicine name: Nobivac Puppy DP liofilizāts un šķīdinātājs suspensijas injekcijām pagatavošanai suņiem. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. 0 TCID 50 Canine parvovirus (strain 154)≥107. Lääkevalmisteen nimi: NOBIVAC DP PLUS Entiset kauppanimet: Vahvuus: Eläinlääke Reseptiluokitus: Resepti LääkemuotoNobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i otapalo za suspenziju za injekciju za pse (štenad) 2. A feloldott vakcina adagonkénti (1 ml) tartalma . Cjepiva djeluju „učeći” imunosni sustav (prirodnu obranu tijela) kako se obraniti od bolesti. This is the first single shot vaccine that gives rabbits a full 12 months protection from the three main infectious diseases in rabbits – Myxomatosis, Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) classic and variant strains (RHDV-1 and 2). Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i otapalo za suspenziju za injekciju . Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizátum és oldószer szuszpenziós injekcióhoz kutyák (kölykök) számára . Depending on the vaccine used, ferrets may be vaccinated for rabies and canine distemper every 1–3 years. NOBIVAC® Canine Flu H3N2 (Inactived virus). NOBIVAC ® FELINE 3-HCP IS A SAFE CHOICE. Svaka doza (1 ml) rekonstituiranog cjepiva sadrži: Djelatne tvari : Živi atenuirani virus štenećaka soj Onderstepoort: 105,1 –. Posologie. Živi rekombinantni parvovirus pasa soj 630a: 105,1 – 106,7 TCID 50. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. STATEMENT OF ACTIVE AND OTHER SUBSTANCES Per dose of 1 ml: Canine distemper virus (strain Onderstepoort)≥104. V České republice rozdělujeme vakcinaci na povinnou a. Živi rekombinantni parvovirus pasa soj 630a: 105,1 – 106,7 TCID 50. Indications for use. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is available as a lyophilisate (freeze-dried pellet). Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizāts un šķīdinātājs suspensijas injekcijām pagatavošanai suņiem (kucēniem) 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION. Nobivac ® Lepto. Můžete Wikipedii pomoci tím, že ho vhodně vylepšíte. High titer distemper fraction. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizátum és oldószer szuszpenziós injekcióhoz kutyák (kölykök) számára . Nobivac DP Plus contains the active substances live attenuated (weakened) canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV). Administer a dose of 1 ml irrespective of the size, species or breed of animal. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat in vehikel za suspenzijo za injiciranje za pse (mladiče) 2. Årsag: Forsinkelser hos fremstiller. Therapeutic indication: Immunological veterinary medical products: For dogs. Shipping Restrictions Apply: Must Ship 2. NOBIVAC® Canine 1-DAPPvL2+Cv. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Reconstitute each single dose (vial) of the vaccine with one vial(1mL) of Nobivac Diluent or Nobivac Lepto I and administer by subcutaneous injection. Authorised. Mix gently until dissolved. Dosage and Administration. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat i otapalo za suspenziju za injekciju za pse (štenad) 2. Nobivac Canine 1-DAPPv+L4 Indications. Nobivac Lepto4 Indications. (SE) 2. Turvotus häviää kokonaan muutamassa päivässä. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. 5 TCIDNOBIVAC PUPPY DP. Обикновено се препоръчва всяко кученце да бъде ваксинирано с този продукт на 6-седмична . Administrationsvej: Subkutan anvendelse. MSD Animal Health UK Limited. Hatóanyagok: Élő, attenuált kutya-szopornyicavírus Onderstepoort törzs: 105,0–106,5 TCIDNobivac DP PLUS liofilizátum és oldószer szuszpenziós injekcióhoz kutyák (kölykök) számára . Repeat dose 2 to 4 weeks later. Repeat dose 3 to 4 weeks later. Nobivac® 1-Rabies; Nobivac® 3-Rabies; Nobivac® 3-Rabies CA; Nobivac® Canine 1-DAPPv; Nobivac® Canine 1-Pv; Nobivac® Puppy-DPv; Nobivac® Canine 3-DAPv; Nobivac® EDGE® DAPPv; Vaccines for Social Dogs. Product Description. A feloldott vakcina adagonkénti (1 ml) tartalma . It was developed to provide protection against the newly emerging variant of RHDV , RHDV type 2, against which the protection c onferred by the already authoris ed vaccines was not sufficient. Nobivac, conditiile de siguranta si eficacitate pentru Nobivac L4 nu sunt diferite de cele descrise numai pentru administrarea Nobivac L4 singur. The only 0. Nobivac Feline 1-HCP Vaccine. Parvo-C, Puppy DP) koje sadrže virus štenećaka (soj Onderstepoort), adenovirus pasa tip2 (soj. DICT. MSD Animal Health UK Limited. Nobivac ® Canine 1-Cv. For active immunisation of dogs to prevent mortality and clinical signs caused by canine distemper virus infection. KVALITATIVNI I KVANTITATIVNI SASTAV. Two doses are required for primary immunization. 7. This product has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy dogs 8 weeks of age or older against Leptospira canicola, L. † 1-year (+3 mo) guarantee for leptospirosis (L2, L4) and coronavirus ( Cv). Outbreaks resulting in high mortality rates in tigers (Panthera tigris) have prompted some zoos to vaccinate tigers for CDV. Product Description. Principio activo: Disponible únicamente en English. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Reconstitute each single dose (vial) of the vaccine with one vial(1mL) of Nobivac Diluent or Nobivac Lepto I and administer by subcutaneous injection. Vakcinace psů v Česku nebo také očkování, je podávání vakcíny psům, která je chrání před infekčními chorobami. 5 TCIDNobivac DP Plus son mayores que sus riesgos y recomendó autoriz ar su uso en la UE. View All. 50. A feloldott vakcina adagonkénti (1 ml) tartalma . Product Name. First leptospirosis vaccine, Nobivac® Lepto4, with label claims against mortality and urinary shedding caused by serovars L. NOBIVAC PUPPY DP. High antigenic mass. Vsak odmerek (1 ml) rekonstituiranega cepiva vsebuje: Učinkovine: živi oslabljeni virus pasje kuge, sev Onderstepoort: 105,1 –. Para obter informações adicionais sobre a utilização do Nobivac DP Plus, leia o Folheto Informativo ou contacte o médico veterinário ou o farmacêutico. Nobivac® DP. Ваксини Nobivac Lepto и Nobivac L4 може се използват като разтворител за ваксина Nobivac Parvo-C при кученца на 6 седмична възраст и по-големи, докато ваксина Nobivac Rabies може се използваAnd the main one your vet will push is a combination vaccine called DHPP. pomona. A feloldott vakcina adagonkénti (1 ml) tartalma . V. It was developed to provide protection against the newly emerging variant of RHDV , RHDV type 2, against which the protection c onferred by the already authoris ed vaccines was not sufficient. aphis. A single dose of the Nobivac puppy DP (distemper and parvo) plus vaccine can be given at four weeks of age and functions as an effective two-in-one active protection against both viruses. Duration of immunity of at least 1 year has been demonstrated after repeat dose. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. Repeat dose 2 to 4 weeks later. 5 ML VACCINE. Most human exposures result from contact with domestic species, such as dogs, cats, horses, or cattle. 1 –. Puppy DP can be used at 6weeks of age followed by Nobivac DHP/DHPPi at 10 weeks of age. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION Reconstitute each single dose (vial) of the vaccine with one vial(1mL) of Nobivac Diluent or Nobivac Lepto I and administer by subcutaneous injection. Med-Vet Biolinks Private Limited. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) MSD Animal Health UK Limited. Nobivac® DP PLUS lyophilisate and solvent for suspension for injection for dogs (puppies) MSD Animal Health UK Limited. Revaccination after primary vaccination with Nobivac KC: One vaccination, annually. ITEM OUR PRICE. Živi rekombinantni parvovirus pasa soj 630a: 10. 32 Save: 32%. FULL SIZE PROTECTION, HALF SIZE VACCINES Choose the best protection for your clients with convenient small dose options for dogs of. Nobivac Puppy DP is an injectable live attenuated vaccine for the active immunization of young puppies against the most common and deadly diseases in puppies i. of the Nobivac range against Bordetella bronchiseptica. interrogans serogroup Canicola serovar Canicola, L. By Company. Nobivac ® 1-Rabies is prepared from cell-culture-grown, chemically-inactivated rabies virus. c. What is Nobivac DP Plus and what is it used for? Nobivac DP Plus is a veterinary vaccine used to protect dogs against two separate infections caused by canine distemper virus and canine parvovirus. KVALITATIVNI I KVANTITATIVNI SASTAV. Quote Tweet. Contains CPV-2b, one of the most prevalent field strains of parvovirus. MINŐSÉGI ÉS MENNYISÉGI ÖSSZETÉTEL. As your partner in prevention, Nobivac is committed to support your hospital’s efforts to keep pets healthy and reduce disease risks. Duration of immunity of at least 3 years in dogs and cats has been demonstrated after repeat dose. Puppy Dp Vaccine, Zwinger von der Bart Gruppe Nobivac® Puppy DP Indications:- Vaccination against CDV and Efficacious in puppies with maternal Vaccination Programme:- Nobivac Puppy DP is mainly indicated for the first, Vaccinations – Aycardo Veterinary CenterThis product has been shown to be effective for vaccination of healthy dogs 6 weeks of age or older against canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 1 (hepatitis), canine adenovirus type 2 (respiratory disease), canine parainfluenza virus and canine parvovirus. 3. KAKOVOSTNA IN KOLIČINSKA SESTAVA. 50 * 3. Reduces the incidence and severity of coughing 86. 6. Your puppy’s breeder may even have given him the vaccine once or twice before you got him. Requires only single-nostril administration—low dose of 0. My Price $104. KAKOVOSTNA IN KOLIČINSKA SESTAVA. Tel: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Datasheet & Company Info. Nobivac Puppy DPV/Progard Puppy DPV Canine Vaccine. Kas yra Nobivac DP Plus ir kam jis naudojamas? Nobivac DP Plus – tai veterinarinė vakcina šunims apsaugoti nuo dviejų atskirų infekcijų, kurias sukeliaSubcutaneous 1 mL injection for cats and ferrets. Nobivac Puppy Dp-Canine Distemper+Canine Parvov Ingredients: Chemicals. Hatóanyagok: Élő, attenuált kutya-szopornyicavírus Onderstepoort törzs: 105,0–106,5 TCIDProtects against all known strains of canine parvovirus (CPV), including CPV-2c 2,3. Očkovacia látka Nobivac DP Plus obsahuje účinné látky, a to živý atenuovaný (oslabený) vírus psinkyVeterinary medicine European public assessment report (EPAR): Aftovaxpur DOE (updated) Maximum three of the following purified, inactivated foot-and-mouth disease virus strains: O1 Manisa ≥ 6 PD50*; O1 BFS ≥ 6 PD50*; O Taiwan 3/97 ≥ 6 PD50*; A22 Iraq ≥ 6 PD50*; A24 Cruzeiro ≥ 6 PD50*; A Turkey 14/98 ≥ 6 PD50*; Asia 1 Shamir ≥ 6. The vaccine is prepared from cell-culture-grown, chemically-inactivated rabies virus. Avoid contamination of vaccine with traces of chemical sterilising agents. interrogans serogroup Canicola serovar Canicola, L. 5 x 1 doza cjepiva uključujući 1 ml otapalaNobivac DP PLUS lyophilisat et solvant pour suspension injectable pour chiens (chiots) 2. Canine Vaccines. Read the leaflet to learn about the dosage, administration and possible side effects of this product. En odmerek (1 ml) rekonstituiranega cepiva vsebuje: Učinkovine: živi oslabljeni virus pasje kuge, sev Onderstepoort: 105. ÚČINNÉ LÁTKY: Živý, atenuovaný vírus psinky, kmeň. Telephone: 01908 685685 (Customer Support Centre) Website: Email: vet-support. Autres informations relatives à Nobivac DP Plus Nobivac DP Plus a reçu une autorisation de mise sur le marché valide dans toute l’Union européenne le 9 décembre 2020. Skip to main content English. Netherlands. Overrides maternal antibodies in young puppies 1. Do two current canine parvovirus type 2 and 2b vaccines provide protection against the new type 2c variant? Vet Ther. The initial dose may be given at 6 weeks of age or older. Mix gently until dissolved. 2 in 1 protection against canine influenza which facilitates vaccination protocols. nobivac® 3-rabies ca : nobivac® canine 1-cv : nobivac® canine 1-dappv : nobivac® canine 1-dappv+cv : nobivac® canine 1-dappv+l4 : nobivac® canine 1-dappvl2 : nobivac® canine 1-dappvl2+cv : nobivac® canine 1-pv Nobivac DP Plus χορηγείται σε σκύλους, το ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα των ζώων αναγνωρίζει τους ιούς ως «ξένα σώματα» και παράγει αντισώματα εναντίον τους. interrogans . Orocare 60Ml-General Ingredients: Chemicals. Evidence shows that CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV. The only intranasal Bordetella vaccine available for cats. Feline leukaemia is an infectious disease of cats which affects the immune system and is caused by the feline leukaemia virus (FeLV). R; EGISTRUOTOJO IR UŽ VAISTO SERIJOS IŠLEIDIMĄ EEE ŠALYSE ATSAKINGO Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizat și solvent pentru suspensie injectabilă pentru câini (pui) 1. Hver skammtur (1 ml) af blönduðu bóluefni inniheldur: Virk innihaldsefni: Lifandi veikluð hundafársveira af Onderstepoort stofni: 10 5,1 – 10 6,5 TCID 50 * Lifandi raðbrigða hundaparvóveira af 630a stofni: 10 5,1Safety and efficacy data are available which demonstrate that this vaccine can be mixed and administered with the inactivated vaccines of the Nobivac series against canine leptospirosis caused by all or some of the following serovars: L. Kanit on rokotettava uudelleen joka vuosi. e. To prevent mortality, clinical signs and viral excretion following canine parvovirus infection. Nobivac DP PLUS liofilizāts un šķīdinātājs suspensijas injekcijām pagatavošanai suņiem (kucēniem) 2. 2018. After reaching the brain, the virus travels via peripheral nerves to the salivary glands. For approximately 10 days after clinical recovery.